smart technology

AI could boost journalism with smart tools ESMH article

AI could boost journalism with smart tools

Artificial intelligence could be used in the newsrooms and journalists should be trained and prepared for the impact on communication. Experts think that AI can both free journalists from doing the boring stuff and can give them clever new tools for doing things they could never do before. But in the wrong hands, the same technology can also be used to spread disinformation.

Autonomous Car ESMH Press Review

ESMH Press Review – February 13, 2019

Self-driving vehicles, extinction of megafauna, the positive effect of AI on doctors: check the latest ESMH selection of 18 science and tech news published in the last two weeks all around the web. Pick your favourite from the most popular topics in the mainstream media!

Smart Home Technology ESMH Press Review

ESMH Press Review – January 23, 2019

Smart homes, planetary health diet, fake users in internet : check the latest ESMH selection of 20 science and tech news published in the last two weeks all around the web. Pick your favourite from the most popular topics in the mainstream media.