Scientist: Ruairi Robertson

Dr Ruairi Robertson obtained a B.Sc in Human Nutrition from University College Dublin. He subsequently conducted a Ph.D in Microbiology from University College Cork during which time he carried out research on the interaction between the infant gut microbiome, the gut-brain axis and metabolic health outcomes within the APC Microbiome Institute and as a Fulbright Scholar in Harvard University Medical School. Dr Robertson was awarded a 4-year Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust in 2017 to conduct research within the Blizard Institute in Queen Mary University of London on the influence of the intestinal microbiome in early child growth, particularly in the context of malnutrition. His research capitalizes upon large cohort studies in Zimbabwe and Zambia to examine the environmental factors that influence early gut microbiota development and the subsequent influence on chronic and acute undernutrition.

The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis and the Rise of Psychobiotics

The Microbiome gut brain axis and the rise of psychobiotics

Communication between our gut and our brain is a two-way street. A large part of the signals being sent from our intestines to our brain is thanks to the bacteria living inside us, our microbiome. Our gut microbes have been linked to anxiety and depression. Research is ongoing to see if we can manipulate our bacterial populations to benefit our mental health.

A scientist’s opinion: Interview with Dr. Ruairi Robertson about microbiome

A scientist’s opinion : Interview with Dr. Ruairi Robertson about microbiome

Microbiome & psychobiotics, a scientist’s opinion Interview with Dr. Ruairi Robertson, Wellcome Trust Fellow at Queen Mary University of London. How might bacteria be affecting our mental health? What are the possible communication routes? Ruairi Robertson: There are a number routes through which the gastrointestinal tract and its microbiome interact with the brain. The gut ...