fact checking

Sander van der Linden interview, Folded stack of Newspapers on laptop

Sander van der Linden on how psychological inoculation protects against false news

Sander van der Linden, Ph.D., is Professor of Social Psychology in Society and Director of the Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge. Professor van der Linden, we have seen many attempts to debunk climate and health disinformation. How well do fact checks fare? Sander van der Linden: ...

Fake news and mass media, truth with ESMH

Scott Brennen: “We live in a kind of post-truth age where science facts are doubted”

Scott Brennen from the Oxford Martin Programme on Misinformation, Science, and Media investigates how changing media structures and technologies are shaping the scientific information and scientific misinformation.